Sorry I’ve been away so long…

Hey everyone,

So I’ll admit it, I dropped the ball on my own website. Not something that I’m particularly proud of, but I’ve been very busy with work and comics stuff. I’m going to fill you guys in on some of the things that I’ve been doing, and I’ll be posting a couple of new things this week too.

First off, The Empty Grave Volume 1 is at the printers right now and we will have the book for sale in a week and a half. Just in time for our first comic convention at NWI Comic-Con on February 23rd. We’re getting our large order shortly after that (it was delayed thanks to the Chinese New Year), and we’ll be sending out the copies for our Kickstarter backers as soon as those come in.

Ryan is doing some amazing work on Lucid, and I think that this is going to be a comic that blows a lot of people away. Zach is getting the ball rolling on designs and layouts for Abigail the Astounding, and I’m starting to work on a short comic that I’m going to do with the incredible Ali Cantarella. It’s going to be unlike anything that I’ve ever done so far, in a good way.

I have a bunch of conventions coming up this spring, and I hope to see a lot of you come out.

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